Second Grade Rm 10
Instructor: Baldini, J.
Room 10 News
Please remember, if your child is not doing online math, a math packet is to be completed and brought in on Fridays. We are also working on comprehension with a new online program called news ELA. The children are very excited to be searching and reaching non fiction articles, and answering questions after reading! This program is done in school only, but you can learn more about it at…
Great News!!
Our class has had an amazing attendance rate this month!! We also want to celebrate the weekly Reading and Math homework logs and packs that are sent home and returned every week. Our children get to share what they have learned from home school experiences. We love to hear connections, it brings our school community together!!
Happy Holidays!!
I hope you and your families have an amazing, safe, and wonderful Holiday!!!! Enjoy your time with your children!!
Happy Holidays!!
I hope you and your families have an amazing, safe, and wonderful Holiday!!!! Enjoy your time with your children!!
Thank you for attending
I want to thank all the families that attended parent teacher conferences!! It is a great way to communicate and contribute to your child's success in second grade.
Nightly Homework Policy
Second grade requires 20 minutes of nightly reading, as well as 15 minutes of math. We have Xtramath, an online program that we view and monitor. If there is no internet access, we provide Math games to be played nightly.
Dear Families, Welcome to Springbrook Second grade!! I am pleased to have joined the SES staff as well as the grade 2 team. I have previously taught kindergarten and first grade at SSS and DCS. I will be sending your child's folder home nightly with information as well as weekly homework and reading logs. Please fill out, sign and return to school. If you have any questions please email me jbaldini@westerly.k12.ri.us I am looking forward to a great year!!! …
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