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Hello there Artists!
This month, we will be focusing on finishing up our lessons from October,
and beginning new ones as the leaves fall!
November is a very short month for us, but we will be working hard in the Art room!

Kinder friends will be finishing up their Jasper Johns-inspired primary color numbers,
and moving on to our first true-color self portraits! We will be working on realistic eyes, noses and mouths!

First and second grade artists will be working on finishing up our self-portraits in November - making sure we are using true colors, and realistic features! First grade will then move on to create pumpkin perspective drawings- learning about fore, middle and backgrounds!

Second grade will be moving on from true self-portraits to drawing real leaves from observation - we will have beautiful fall leaves at each table, and will work on drawing them in great detail!

Third grade artists will be working on their Klimt-inspired sleeping self portraits a bit more, adding detail with sharpie, colored pencil, and paint! This is a very detailed lesson that needs lots of time and patience!

Fourth grade will be finishing up our foreshortening lesson, and moving on to drawing fall objects from observation, and using pointillism to add color! This is a fun lesson, because we use a very odd art supply, inspired by Seurat!

Can't wait to see you in the Art room!
Keep on creating,
Mrs. Riley